Hannah’s Song

After we had Family Home Evening Hannah wanted to share the pictures that she drew that day.   She had carefully folded each picture and had neatly  stacked them up.  She stood up and had us pick a hand.  If you picked the right hand you got to sing a song.   If you picked the left you got to look at the picture.  She had pictures of mountains, flowers, houses, families, singing, etc. 

It just made me smile because I could imagine that they did something similar in Primary while she sat memorized by the chorister and decided this would be wonderful to do with her family.  Oh my sweet Hannah, I love you!

She sang us her own version of Families Can Be Together Forever.  It went something like this…  (In her cute chanting voice.)

We are a family,

We will be together forever,

I love my Dad and my Mom and Jacob and Kaitlyn,

And I am a kid and I want to be with my family forever.

She said a lot more and it is unfortunate that, one, I can’t remember it all and two, that my camera was out of batteries =(. 

As she sang I got all teary-eyed.  I am so happy that we will be a family forever.  I am so happy to know that this life is not the end, that we can be with our families forever, that we can return to live with our loving Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.  I am so happy to know this.  It gives me hope.  It gives me courage.  It gives me strength to press on.

It reminded me of the quote by our previous prophet, President Hinckley:

Was there ever a man who truly loved a woman, or a woman who truly loved a man, who did not pray that their relationship might continue beyond the grave? Has a child ever been buried by parents who did not long for the assurance that their loved one would again be theirs in a world to come? Can anyone believing in eternal life doubt that the God of heaven would grant his sons and daughters that most precious attribute of life, the love that finds its most meaningful expression in family relationships? No, reason demands that the family relationship shall continue after death. The human heart longs for it. The God of heaven has revealed a way whereby it may be secured. The sacred ordinances of the house of the Lord provide for it… (Teachings of Gordon B. Hinckley p. 632)

I am grateful for temples where we can be sealed as husband and wife and not “until death do ye part”, but for eternity.  What a wonderful loving God He is!  

5 thoughts on “Hannah’s Song

  1. You certainly know how to make me teary eyed! :) Thank you for sharing this sweet experience with your precious little family! I love you all so much! Thanks for always being there for me!

  2. What a tender moment; thanks for sharing it with all of us. I really enjoyed the beautiful quote by President Hinckley.

  3. What a precious moment to record. It just reminds me of an Ensign article from this month by Elder Ballard “Sharing the Gospel using the Internet.” You shared a simple testimony through a blog which he talks about and it’s perfect. I should do it more often.

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