snow caves, museums, and towers, oh my!

After living here for almost eight years, we finally decided to take advantage of the free museum night, which occurs every first Thursday of the month. I know we’re quick ones ;).

March 7th we explored the Burke Natural History Museum.

The dinosaur exhibits had the kids enthralled. 2013-03-07 19.53.33

Yeah Adelie for being in our picture!!!

Their incredible thirst for knowledge was contagious and their enthusiasm spilled over as they called out, “Oh! Come look at this! This is awesome!…I’ve never seen anything like it.”

We had a marvelous time. We learned that Washington was pieced together like a giant jigsaw puzzle as different chunks of land came colliding into America, creating the great Cascade Mountain range and our majestic volcanoes.

They also had an exhibit on plastic.

How long do you think it takes a can to biodegrade?

Answer: 5o years

How long does it take plastic to biodegrade?

Answer: up to 450 years! depending on what it is

Yikes! I have never been much of a take-your-reusable-bags-to-the-store kind of gal, but this has got me thinking. I am now more diligent about washing out my recyclables and I am reusing more plastic bags and containers. Yeah me!

And we watched the coolest video from the mid 50’s collaborating several commercials and tv shows all selling PLASTIC! Plastic furniture, plastic shoes, plastic clothes… the future of the world. It is lighter, flawless, and more affordable. All the things we now complain about. Hahaha! We got a kick out of it.

The Burke museum was a hit and we anxiously started planning April’s trip.

March 9th


Late winter we took the kids on a walk around the lake. After 20 feet Kaitlyn was bawling and screaming that she was

too tired and couldn’t walk! We told her we were going to walk until we walked those wimpies out.

Put Wes and I together and we can be quite obnoxious =). hee-hee-hee!

We gleefully sang to her, “Walking the wimpies out, we’re walking the wimpies out…because, because, because! because!! We’re walking the wimpies out!” {the tune of Painting the Roses Red on Alice and Wonderland}

A little over half way, she finally stopped whining and almost instantaneously Adelie picked right up. Oh, for Pete’s sake!

Time to enforce operation boot-out-the-dyer-wimpies.

Good bye winter sloths and hello spring bunnies!


We went on our first hike of the season with that adorable Crittenden bunch above to Holbrook Ridge, a nice 3 mile hike round trip. A perfect escape in the outdoors with the reward of a beautiful vista atop the lookout tower.

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The kids had a blast plodding through the few patches of snow  and throwing snow balls.

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And we didn’t hear a single wimpy the entire 3 miles.

Yeah Dyer’s! We can do hard things! =)

March 16th


Wes and Jacob went on their annual snow caving trip this month with Uncle Chris. Every year Jake carries more of his gear. This year he packed all his gear, plus some of the group gear. What an impressive young man!

Wes is a fantastic father, giving his children opportunities to explore, progress, and create fabulous memories together.IMG_2111

Brrrr…this makes me cold.

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Spring makes my heart soar with happiness.

But seriously, how on earth did we get to the middle of April already???

3 thoughts on “snow caves, museums, and towers, oh my!

  1. I love that you are walking your wimpies out! I am so doing that to my girls this summer (and maybe even to myself)

  2. LOVE! All of this is so wonderful . . . however, I must agree with you, looking at those snowy pics makes me both cold and really impressed with your boy! Brrr! Those guys are nuts! :)

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